P990 on second pair!

Say goodbye to summer and hello to great deals!

Don’t join the sun in hiding. Reveal your style no matter what season it may be as Branded Lifestyle Inc goes all out in showering you with discounts. 

Change frames depending on your #eyestatement for a day! P990 on second pair of Guess, Pepe Jeans, DKNY, Esprit, Ralph Lauren, Poli, etc! Visit your nearest optical shop and ask about your favorite brands!

Wearing aviators? Make a statement. Make an #EyeStatement.
Wearing wayfarers? Make a statement. Make an #EyeStatement.
Wearing cat eye specs? Make a statement. Make an #EyeStatement.
Be part of our vision. Share your #EyeStatements in our platforms. Follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest #EyeStatements


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